Understanding and Addressing Cat Behavior 


Pet owners often make the mistake of comparing dogs and cats when it comes to their behaviour. Dogs are generally seen as loyal, tail-wagging animals that are always happy to see their owner – even if they were only gone for a few minutes. Their moods are very easy to understand by reading their facial expression, body language or tail movement.

Cats, on the other hand, may come across to some people as moody, independent or aloof animals. The reason for this is not because cats are more dramatic animals – it is, in fact, because they have a more sophisticated body language than dogs. The difference is that unlike with dogs, humans don’t always interpret their signals correctly and that leads to misunderstandings between the two species.

By understanding common cat behaviours, you will be able to better care and understand your cat. Always remember that cats display a specific behaviour to fulfil a specific purpose. Before categorising the behaviour as ‘naughty’, rather do research first to find out what your cat might be trying to tell you.

Common cat behaviours

Scratching furniture

One of the cat behaviour problems that owners struggle with is scratching. Torn couches, frayed carpets, and damaged furniture are costly ways for your cat to sharpen their claws and exercise their muscles. Other reasons include removing claws’ dead outer layers, marking their territory, and stretching their bodies.

The best solution is to purchase a scratching post – instead of trying to stop your cat’s behaviour, you are simply redirecting it.

Excessive meowing

This behaviour can be summed up as your cat wanting or needing something from you. The trick is to identify what that is. Chances are that your cat wants your attention or that it is bored, so playing with your feline friend could resolve the problem.

If the meowing continues and is erratic, bear in mind that it could be a sign your cat is in pain, feel ill or is under stress. Under these circumstances, it is best to consult with a vet.

Ignoring the litter box

Is your cat not properly using the litter box? This is one of the cat behaviour issues that can make a home very unpleasant due the strong smell. The first step is to check whether the litter box is due for a proper cleaning. If that is not the reason, your cat could be dissatisfied with the placement or number of boxes, the introduction of a new pet in the house, the type of box or litter and lastly, due to a medical condition.

It might be necessary to do cat litter training again to reinforce the correct behaviour.

Climbing curtains

Similar to scratching furniture, when cats climb curtains they can cause a lot of damage. This behaviour stems from their love to survey their surroundings – and the best vantage point is the highest area. Being able to see everything makes them feel safe, as they can easily spot any potential danger.

A good solution is to create an elevation with shelves or even rearranging higher furniture, such as drawers or display units, so that they can easily leap on to it.

Disrupting your sleep

Cats love taking naps, but sometimes they also like disrupting ours. This is similar to excessive meowing, where they are trying to communicate a need to you. They might be hungry, need to be let outside, or want attention.

First, try and identify what the reason is:

  • Hunger: Ensure that your cat is fed at least every 8 hours. Giving them a snack before bed or buying an auto-feeder could be the solution. 
  • Boredom: Have daily play and cat training sessions with your cat. Always ensure that your cat has access to plenty of self-play toys.

Are you feeding good feline behaviour?

A general rule to remember is that nutrition not only determines the physical well-being of your cat but can influence their mood as well. Giving your cat what their body needs will not only make them feel better but behave better as well.

FELINE CUISINE® has been scientifically formulated by a veterinarian and animal nutritionist to provide overall well-being benefits. The FELINE CUISINE® cat food range provides all the key wellness benefits such as immune-boosting vitamins and minerals, Omega oils and fatty acids for joint function to keep your cat happy and healthy.


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